Get Notifications in Facebook Business Manager by Managing App Roles


Facebook recently announced an update related to its Business Manager, which enable users to manage application roles. The best part is you can manage its notifications without involving your personal FB accounts or being essential to make personal accounts.

Now FB announced a new method to separate your private Facebook profile from your apps. From the developer community, this was in reply to feedback, requesting for a way to organize apps without using a particular FB account.

With Business Manager, you can manage app roles via emails or business accounts, instead of a personal account. Along with this all your app-related notifications appear in Business Manager as well as are emailed to an email address, the instant of business admin's personal Facebook account.

Business Accounts For Benefit to Developers:-

It makes easier to accounts management and as well as you can get notifications when people leave or join your company. You just need to change access to an admin account. In addition, you can separate business-related and personal notifications on FB.

When fake accounts are identified and disabled by FB's systems, developers also avoid having their work disrupted. You can enjoy this feature from the menu item "Apps" which is under "Accounts" on your dashboard. After this click, the button labeled "Add People."

Although, you can create an account from the Business Manager Overview page -> Create Account, still if found any issue then speak to live person at Facebook.

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